Recording a skype video call
Recording a skype video call

  1. #Recording a skype video call how to
  2. #Recording a skype video call mp4

A nifty hang-up feature automatically stops recording when the conversation ends.

#Recording a skype video call mp4

The program creates MP4 files from your video calls and automatically saves it in the directory you choose. Skype will automatically launch as soon as you start the recorder, and after choosing your setting, you can start your conversation and hit the record button. The program features three settings: record all sides (picture-in-picture), record other side only, and record audio only. The one full-featured, completely free option we found is called, appropriately enough, Free Video Call Recorder for Skype from DVDVideoSoft. Save recorded Skype video calls in your RealPlayer library and you will be able to convert videos to other formats including saving them as MP3 audio files. However, if you’re using Windows 8 you should double check that these plugins will work with new OS.

recording a skype video call

Here are some plugin options for Windows users. The programs that come in a free version are typically limited - recording only up to five minutes of video, for example. Most of the available video recording plugins offer a free trial period, after which you have to pay to continue using the program.

#Recording a skype video call how to

HOW TO RECORD SKYPE VIDEO CALLS WITH A PLUGIN The laws vary by state and country, but be on the safe side and ask for permission first before you record a call with Skype.

recording a skype video call

Also, before doing any sort of call recording, you should notify the other people who are on the call that you are recording it. Unlike Skype, most video recorder plugins aren’t free. There are two things to keep in mind when you record a call with Skype. A plugin is a piece of software that brings additional functionality to a particular application - in this case, recording Skype video calls. The good news is there are plenty of plugins available that do the job. Unfortunately, Skype doesn’t include support for recording video calls.

recording a skype video call

Wondering how to record Skype video? It’s easier to do than you might think. But what if you need to record a video interview? Or maybe you’d simply like to keep some personal conversations for posterity. One of Skype’s best features is its easy - and free - video calling feature.

Recording a skype video call